Wild Health 2024 Summit: Connected care - from here to modernity

Wild Health 2024 Summit: Connected care - from here to modernity

How do we realistically start connecting all points of our healthcare system within a reasonable time frame?

Date and time

Tuesday, October 22 · 8am - 7pm AEDT


Collins Square Events Centre

727 Collins Street #Level 5, Tower 2 Docklands, VIC 3008 Australia

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About this event

  • Event lasts 11 hours

Connected Care – Are we there yet?

At no time in Australian digital healthcare history has there been a more co-ordinated attempt from government, healthcare providers and the tech sector to bring about substantive change to the nature of digital connectivity in the country.

This year’s Wild Health Summit will feature the major players from each of government, healthcare providers and the technology discussing the major impending changes in play including the challenges we are facing in the light of some very tight timetables from government.

No other event puts the key people in the one room, including major overseas experts with experience in what we are about to attempt, and asks them the questions at the leading edge of change that you as an industry stakeholder needs to understand better if you are going to successfully navigate the next few disruptive years.

Key themes: lessons from the US 21st Century Cures Act experience, how much how fast in Australia compared to other countries given the technology now in play, national architecture for successful interoperability, what an HIE might look like here, state, federal and regional co-operation, the impact of AI, and the state of cyber security.

Some key speakers: Dr John Halamka, president May Platform, Daniel McCabe, First Assistant Secretary Medicare and Digital Health, Grahame Grieve, founder FHIR, Steve Posnak, Deputy National Co-ordinator ONC Health Information Technology, Kate Ebrill, Leader Sparked CSIRO, Emma Hossack, MSIA CEO, Angela Ryan, Health Lead Oracle, Asia Pacific, Paul Wilder, Director Commonwell, Dr Suzie Miller, VVED, and Dr John Lambert, CCIO NT Health.

Organized by

Wild Health Summits attract professionals from health, government, technology and the clinical coalface under the same roof for robust discussions on some of our most important and challenging healthcare transformation issues.

We aim to create meaningful new networks and connections for health care professionals who are passionate about the potential of technology, but frustrated by its complexity and the isolation that often comes with working in our diverse healthcare system.

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