As outlined in the entry requirements for the Diploma of Nursing and Diploma of Community Services, applicants are required to complete a Digital Course Readiness Assessment and the Language, Literacy and Numeracy assessment using ACER’s Core Skills Profile for Adults (CSPA) assessment. Applicants must gain the required Exit Level scoring to progress your application to the interview stage.
This assessment is conducted onsite at Wodonga TAFE, 87 McKoy St, Wodonga and is a two-and-a-half-hour supervised computer based exam.
P lease arrive 15 minutes prior to your booked in ACER Assessment.
W hat to bring on the day of your schedule ACER Assessment:-
- Your proof of identity
- Drink Bottle
- Pens & paper to be supplied by supervising staff member
- Calculator is not required
Please contact the Customer Experience Team if you are unable to attend your scheduled ACER Assessment. F ailure to attend or notify of ACER nonattendance may result in your application being withdrawn.
Once you have completed the assessments, Customer Experience will review the results and forward them to you, as well as attaching them to your application.
Diploma of Community Services Applicants:-If you gain Exit Level 3 or higher for Reading and an Exit Level 2 or higher for Writing & Reading your application will then be forwarded to the training department where you will be contacted for an interview closer to the start date. If you do not gain the required Exit Level for part or all of the components, you will be offered one (1) more attempt.
Diploma of Nursing Applicants:-If you gain Exit Level 3 or higher for Reading and Numeracy, and an Exit Level 2 or higher for Writing your application will then be forwarded to the training department where you will be contacted for an interview closer to the start date. If you do not gain the required Exit Level for part or all of the components, you will be offered one (1) more attempt.
Please note that your application will not progress until you have completed the ACER & Digital assessments.
*Resume needs to be provided for Diploma of Nursing applicants.
*Current Victorian Working with Children's Check emailed to for Diploma of Community Services course applicants.
If you have any questions about this process, please do not hesitate to contact Customer Experience on
1300 MY TAFE (1300 698 233).