Meeker Classic Sheepdog Championship Inc.
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A 5-day Sheepdog Trial and event featuring the country's top 130 Border Collies matched against the tough "Meeker Sheep". Enjoy three days of prelimnary runs from which the top 30 dogs advance to the Semi-finals on Saturday and from there the top 12 go to the Finals on Sunday. A fun filled week for the family with free educational programs, craft and vendor fair, Art and Photography Show, Jammin' Lamb Festival and so much more. Learn about dogs, dog ownership and the many ways your life can be filled with the love of dogs. Nestled in the beautiful White River Valley, the town of Meeker opens its doors and greets all with true hospitality and friendship.
Meeker Classic Sheepdog Championship Inc.
Upcoming (3)
Past (22)
DONATE TO THE MEEKER CLASSIC - Just click the TICKETS button below
Wed, 4 Sept, 7:00 am
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DONATE TO THE MEEKER CLASSIC - Just click the TICKETS button below
Mon, 11 Sept, 7:00 am
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2021 JAMMIN' LAMB FESTIVAL - "Family Fun and Home-town Friendliness!"
Sat, 11 Sept, 4:00 pm
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